
Our curriculum for computing is designed to provide children with the skills they need to excel in the constantly developing technological world in which we live. It is a curriculum that continuously evolves in order to keep pace with the rapid advances in technology. Pupils have access to a range of hardware such as: laptops, netbooks, iPads and tablets, and software, such as: Purple Mash, Minecraft, Lego Wedo, Pivot, Microsoft Office, Scratch, Logo, Kodu, Pivot and iMovie, thus ensuring that they can apply computational thinking to a variety of devices and systems.

Lessons are taught using a cross-curricular approach, although some skills may be covered discretely should they not link to the cross curricular topics being taught. Information technology is used in lessons on a daily basis to enhance teaching and promote independent and collaborative learning. Pupils are encouraged to use computational thinking across all subjects, in the form of problem solving, logical planning and reasoning.

Pupils are taught to:


  • Think computationally whilst programming and coding
  • Understand and use algorithms
  • Solve problems and de-bug programs
  • Use technology to create pictures, presentations, animations and films
  • Use technology to connect and communicate with others in the school community and the wider world
  • Use technology to collect and interpret data
  • Become digitally literate in order to communicate effectively and evaluate digital content
  • Respect and understand technology, including the internet and how to stay safe online



Computing Curriculum Overview eSafety Computing Overview 22-23 10 ways to be kind Snapchat Netflix Lego Instructions