Charities & Friday Bake

Every Friday afternoon, there will be an opportunity for your child to buy a bun for 20p to help raise money for our three school charities.

Each week, one class will be asked to bake or donate buns to be sold to the rest of the school. A reminder will be put on the newsletter the week before to remind classes to bring their baking. Please also remember that we are also a nut free school.

The funds raised support the following charities.

Focus 4 Hope

Focus4Hope is a non-profit providing support for the homeless, elderly, and isolated in West Yorkshire.

Visit Website

The Christie Hospital

The Christie charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. With your help, we can make sure we keep moving forwards for cancer patients.

Visit Website

Asthma & Lung

At Asthma + Lung UK our vision is for a world where everyone has healthy lungs. A world where lung health is prioritised through better understanding, research, treatment and support.

Visit Website



Music Action Plan 24-25

Christmas To Me

Child in a Manger Born


The PE curriculum at Woodhouse is designed to inspire all pupils to participate, excel and succeed in physical activities and competitive sport. We provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident and have a good understanding of their health, fitness and wellbeing. From the onset of their school journey up to leaving Woodhouse, pupils develop their fundamental movement skills (balancing, jumping, throwing etc.), apply these to a sporting situation and understand the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship enabling for a life-long love for sport.


The curriculum is divided into four strands with the themes of health and fitness interwoven throughout: Gymnastics, Dance, Games and Athletics. Pupils are encouraged to thrive in competitive sport and physically – demanding activities whilst developing the values of respect and fairness.


Each year group is timetabled for a minimum, of two PE lessons a week in addition to a swimming session in the school’s on site swimming pool. Pupils are also encouraged to partake in running and skipping challenges on the school’s all weather running track and learn life-long skills through orienteering, using our bespoke orienteering course.  Older pupils participate in rock climbing and other adventurous activities at a local climbing gym and excel in gymnastics at a local, state-of-the-art gymnasium.


We are proactive in seeking opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports and activities both inside and out of school and have strong links with Rastrick High School, the Pennine Sports partnership and the Calderdale School Games partnership.

Gymnastics Performance

Enrichment Highlights

 Each year group will have the opportunity to take part in two educational visits each year. 

Upcoming Events

Historic Events
