The Early Years
Provision is organised in line with the revised Early Years Framework 2021 taking into consideration each child’s starting point to guide them forward on their unique learning journey. The seven education programmes of the framework underpin the Early Years curriculum which are divided into three Prime areas and four Specific.
The three Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning celebrate the different ways in which children learn, the thinking that is applied and the attitudes that are being displayed.
Educational Programmes
The three prime areas are the foundations of the Early Years curriculum and includes:
Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, social and emotional development
The four specific areas continue to strengthen the three prime areas through:
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive arts and design
The three Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning are:
Playing and Exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
- Active Learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
- Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
Children work towards achieving the following 17 Early Learning Goals by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage:
Communication and Language
- Listening, attention and understanding
- Speaking
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Self-regulation
- Managing self
- Building relationships
Physical Development
- Gross motor skills
- Fine motor skills
- Comprehension
- Word Reading
- Writing
- Number
- Numerical patterns
Understanding the world
- Past and Present
- People, culture and communities
- The natural world
Expressive arts and design
- Creating with materials
- Being imaginative and expressive
Observations of children’s learning and achievements are continually carried out to monitor each child’s progress throughout the year and the staff compile a wealth of information on each child to reflect their ‘Learning Journey’ throughout their reception year. Progress and next steps are regularly shared with parents and carers and observations, achievements and successes from home can be shared with the class teacher and celebrated in school. The Learning Journey profile can be viewed online and discussed further during our parent consultation evenings.
Key Documents
EYFS Handbook Week 1 - 6th September Week 2 - 13th September Week 3 - 20th September Week 4 - 27th September Week 5 - 4th October Week 6 - 11th October Week 7 - 18th October Week 8 - 25th October Week 9 - 8th November Week 10 - 15th November Week 11 - 22nd November Week 12 - 29th November Week 13 - 6th December Week 14 - 13th December Week 15 - 20th December Week 16 - 17th January Week 17 - 24th January Week 18 - 31st January Week 19 - 7th February Week 20 - 14th February Week 21 - 28th February Week 22 - 7th MarchApply for a School place
Calderdale Council co-ordinates admissions to all schools within Calderdale. If you live within Calderdale, you must complete a Calderdale online application. Parents of children resident outside Calderdale, who want to apply for a Calderdale school must apply through their home Local Council.
Primary school applications are currently closed, they will open in November 2025.
If your child was born between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022, they will be due to start Primary School in September 2026. You can apply online:
Calderdale residents apply for a school place online
Kirklees residents apply for a school place online
Calderdale Admissions Criteria Primary Online Admissions Leaflet 2025